COLUMN: Time to visit The Covered Bridge Festival

Maya Kurth, Columnist

I love festivals and jump at every opportunity to be able to attend one, so given the opportunity to go to The Covered Bridge Festival this Monday, I took it. I had never been, despite being told about the event in great detail for years.  

After waking up at 6 a.m. and driving for around an hour and a half to get to the grounds, I was beyond excited to see what the day had in store. My experience was mostly spent shopping with family, for home décor, and looking at tents that the vendors had set up. 

I was fortunate enough to get to go with people who have gone for years and were able to show me the ropes. Based on where you park there are preferred routes to be able to end up back near the vehicle to drop off bags after shopping; this is not something I ever would have considered. I’m more of a walk-all-the-way-back-and-make-things-harder-for-myself type of gal. 

It is set up in the small town of Rockville, Indiana, which adds to the homey feeling the festival already provides. I didn’t expect to see houses in-between the vendors (or even having vendors run businesses out of their homes). There are different “wings” of the grounds that you can visit, but I only spent time on the main drag. Even staying where the most popular shops are filled up my entire day, and I didn’t even see everything. I can see why the festival stays open for over a week.   

Though The Covered Bridge Festival isn’t totally my style, I would have to say that there is something for almost everyone. I didn’t go in expecting a lot, but I came out of it with a couple of purchases I am very happy with.  

Most of what was sold had charm and was unique. Although there are some vendors that sell things that are mass-produced, a lot of what was there was collected over time or hand made. Anyone who enjoys rustic-looking decorations, cooking, or thrifting is likely to find something they enjoy. 

Apart from shopping, I am told a lot of people attend the festival for food, and I can see why. There’s a lot of things that you can get there that you cannot find in most places. Namely, persimmon pudding and pumpkin ice cream. I am a big fan and wish it were more accessible!  

I know that The Covered Bridge Festival is by no means everyone’s bag. I am under the impression that the target audience is middle-aged midwestern moms. However, I do think that it can be a lot of fun, especially if you go with friends or family!  

Maya Kurth is a sophomore public relations major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or at