COLUMN: Confidence in clothes

Ellen Dooley

Ellen Dooley, Columnist

Self-image is on a lot of peoples’ minds. Some hold their image to a high standard or are not the most confident. People may have certain outfits that they just feel the most powerful in. I did competitive speech in high school. I used to spend my Saturdays in a blazer and heels while giving speeches every two hours. There was something about wearing that outfit that gave me confidence.  

While presenting, I felt like I was the most qualified and confident person in the room. That is not the case for everyone though. I knew people on my team who would not wait to throw on sweatpants and slippers to wait for awards. Some people felt really uncomfortable and that hindered their performance.  

I was also a big theater kid. I knew people who would just light up the stage once they were in costume. I stage managed for the musicals but was in cast for the plays. I felt nervous in costume, but once I threw on my stage black and headset, I was unstoppable. It was different for everyone. Sometimes people felt better in street clothes than their costumes. 

So, this raises the question of does part of confidence come from what you wear? I believe it does. This goes for settings that are not professional. Got a pair of sneakers that make you feel like you own everything? Wear them!  

The simple act of wearing clothes that make you comfortable may increase your confidence. This may go for our transitioning friends. Clothes that are comfortable for them may help them with confidence. This does not go for everyone, but possibly for a good chunk of people. 

So, why should I consider this? Learning what makes you feel your best. Confidence can get you through a lot of things in life. This can range from job interviews, big tests, or even an average Tuesday. Feeling confident can have an impact on your overall happiness.  

Imagine how many days could have been better if you were confident and felt like you could accomplish anything. This strictly does not have to do with the outfit you are wearing. It could be anything. It could start with a healthy amount of sleep. Even a positive way of thinking. Confidence can come from anything.  

Confidence does not have to be going on stage and performing an opera. For my introverted people, it could be speaking up for something wrong with your Starbucks order. Everyone does not have to have the same definition of confidence. It is okay for your kind of confidence to be different from everyone else. 

Whether it be going for the winged eyeliner, sending back an order, or even just thinking in a positive manner, confidence can come from anywhere. Define it and claim it. Everyone deserves to be confident and happy.  

Ellen Dooley is a freshman special education major. She can be contacted at 581-2812 or