Greeks raise money for Relay for Life
Members of Epsilon Sigma Alpha sell ribbons, bows, and cupcakes to help raise money during Relay for Life Sunday in McAfee Gymnasium.
April 12, 2015
Relay for Life, an annual cancer awareness event hosted by the Colleges Against Cancer organization, was held in McAfee Gym Sunday. The 12-hour event lasted from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Many clubs and organizations were a part of the event, including the fraternities and sororities as a part of Greek Week.
In past years the event has been an all-night event, but this year Hope Robertson, the CAC president, changed time scheduling.
She said in the past Relay for Life was an all night event, but the organization decided to change it for during the day.
Lindsey Garcia, a graduate student, said she liked this set up better since people will not be as tired to take part of the activities.
“In the past, Relay would be at night but people would get tired and not want to do anything,” she said. “Because it is during the day, more people can be a part of the event and more money can be raise for the cause.”
Garcia said the price of registration went up $5 as well, but because it is for a good cause, she said she does not mind it at all.
All of the Greek organizations were at Relay for Life, walking around the gym for hours. They held a silent auction table that was filled with baskets of various treats and prizes.
For a couple of hours in the afternoon, a local band called “Squealer” played covers of songs in the gym.
A couple of fraternities played a beanbag toss game in the middle of the gym floor, while a sorority took charge of a cakewalk.
The organization had tables at the event, inluding one that sold shirts, another that sold Luminaria, which are paper bags turned into lanterns that symbolized people who have died.
Emily Pawlicki, a senior art major and a member of the CAC organization, said the the names written on the lanterns are those who have passed due to cancer. She said this ceremony is performed at every Relay for Life in the U.S. every year.
“At 9 p.m. the lanterns will be placed around the track. We will put glow sticks inside of them and light up the room in honor of all of these people,” she said. “We will read all of the names and perform a small ceremony.”
CAC member Vidhi Patal said a third table had a poster where survivors of cancer could paint their hands put it on the board and sign their name.
CAC and Relay for Life raised about $5,000 as of press time.
Stephanie White can be reached at 581-2812 or at