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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

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  • Oct. 14- Corey Durham in the Doudna recital hall at 6 pm
  • Oct. 15- Volleyball vs. SIUE in Groniger Arena at 6 pm
  • Oct. 15- Songwriter showcase in the Doudna Black Box at 7:30 pm
  • Oct. 16- Para la Cultura: Talent Night in 7th street underground at 6 pm
  • Oct. 17- Untitled (Cut) @theTarble from 1-6 pm at the Tarble
  • Oct. 17- Women's Soccer vs. Tennessee Tech at 3 pm
  • Oct. 17- Jazz Combos in the Black Box at 7:30 pm
  • Oct. 18- Eastern Symphony Orchestra in the Dvorak Concert Hall at 7:30 pm
  • Oct. 19- Volleyball vs Tennessee Tech in Groniger Arena at 4 pm
  • Volleyball standings: 4-11 on the season (0-5 in conference)
  • Soccer standings: Women's at 3-6-5 (1-2-2), Men's at 1-9-1 (0-5)
  • Football standings: 1-6 on the season (0-3 in conference)
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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Members of Alpha Phi compete in “Tugs” Monday afternoon at the Campus Pond. They won the round against Alpha Gamma Delta.

Sororities face off during Tugs

Jordan Boyer, Photo Editor April 9, 2018

Sororities came out and gave it their all in the first Tugs competition of the week at Campus Pond Monday afternoon. There were three matches: Alpha Phi versus Alpha Gamma Delta, with Alpha Phi winning;...

Members of Sigma Chi compete in ‘tuggs’ at the campus pond Monday afternoon. Sigma Chi lost to Delta Chi in 2 minutes, 14 seconds.

Delta Chi wins tugs round one, Phi Kappa Theta win still up in the air

Analicia Haynes, Online Editor April 3, 2017

Four fraternities faced off as they slid through the slick and wet grass Monday afternoon during this year’s Tugs Competition kick off. However, confusion flooded the area by Campus Pond due to a...

Alpha Phi sorority performs their Airband routine for Greek Week. They ended up placing first in the sorority division, with Pi Kappa Alpha getting first for fraternities.

Alpha Phi, Pi Kappa Alpha win Airband

Olivia Swenson-Hultz, Photo Editor April 3, 2017

Alpha Phi and Pi Kappa Alpha danced their way to victory Friday night as Greek Week kicked off with the annual Airband competition. Kami Dally from Alpha Phi and Shaun Hughes from Sigma Alpha Epsilon...

Greek voices fill McAfee Gym

Loren Dickson, Entertainment Reporter April 3, 2017

Alpha Phi sorority brought Delta Delta Delta’s eight-year winning streak to a halt after taking first place at Greek Sing Sunday afternoon. Sigma Alpha Epsilon won first place for the fraternity division. Anna...

Tugs champions emerge after final rounds

Stephanie Markham, Editor-in-Chief April 9, 2016

An intensive week of Tugs culminated Friday and Saturday when three teams walked away with the coveted first place titles in this year’s “The Endless Summer” Greek Week. Teams that took first...

Tuggers finish semi-finals, prepare for Saturday

Stephanie Markham, Editor-in-Chief April 8, 2016

Six teams secured their victories in Friday’s semi-final Tugs competition and will move on to Saturday’s championship rounds. Sigma Nu and Lambda Chi Alpha took victories Friday in the Big Men’s...

Greeks goin’ up on a Thursday while dancing during the Greek Week Unity Stroll event in front of Doudna Steps.

Unity Stroll brings Greeks together

T'Nerra Butler, Multicultural Editor April 7, 2016

Tables turned and roles were somewhat switched when the PanHellenic Council, Interfraternity Council chapters did some of the traditional steps from the chapters of the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Greeks...

Teams defeat the rain during second round of Tugs

Analicia Haynes, Administration Editor April 6, 2016

Rain, mud and sweat covered the field near Campus Pond Wednesday as 14 teams competed in the second round of Tugs. Though the odds were against them the teams gave it their all, beating the slippery...

Kickball tournament to raise funds for American Cancer Society

Abbey Whittington, Entertainment Editor March 31, 2016

The EIU Colleges Against Cancer service group will be presenting the 2016 Relay for Life Kickball Tournament in order to fundraise for the American Cancer Society 6 p.m. Friday in the Student Recreational...

Members of Phi Kappa Theta practice for Tugs at the Sigma Kappa Field near Textbook Rental on Thursday.

Greeks to begin Tugs competitions

Abbey Whittington, Entertainment Editor March 31, 2016

Greek Week will be kicking off with their annual Tugs competitions starting 4 p.m. Monday at the Campus Pond, starting with Little Men's Tugs and Women's Tugs. These tug of war competitions between fraternities...

Members of the Delta Delta Delta compete in Greek Sing on Sunday in Lantz Arena.  The sorority won the competition for the seventh straight year.

Delta Delta Delta wins Greek Sing for seventh straight year

Stephanie White, Entertainment Editor April 19, 2015

Members of Delta Delta Delta sorority hit the right notes, securing first place in Greek Sing, a choral competition, for their seventh straight year Sunday at Lantz Arena. Bailey Derrick, president...

The girls of Delta Zeta showed the audience how they put on a “freak show” during their Airband performance Saturday in Lantz Arena. Delta Zeta won first place in the Sorority division for Airband.

Delta Zeta, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon win Airband

Cassie Buchman, City Editor April 19, 2015

Chants and cheers echoed throughout Lantz Arena as fraternities and sororities took the stage with instruments given to them from birth, the bodies, for Airband 2015, one of Greek Week’s final competitions. They...

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