Family Weekend a first for some, old for others

Anticipation is in the air as rooms are left spotless, refrigerators are waiting to be stocked and clothes are finally in their proper places as students wait in anticipation for their family’s arrival.

Family Weekend is where students show their loved ones their life at Eastern.

Some of these students are experiencing Eastern’s annual event for the first time.

Christina Tortorici, a freshman undecided major, said she expects to be treated to a meal when her family arrives on campus.

“I think they’ll take me to a fancy dinner and to get free groceries from Wal-Mart,” Tortorici said. “And my brother’s coming down so I think it will be fun.”

Kathryn German, a junior family and consumer science major, said when she was a freshman she was most excited to see her family during Family Weekend.

“I was excited for my family to see what I do on a day-to-day basis,” German said.

German said she and her mother ended up not participating in the scheduled weekend events, but instead spent the weekend a different way.

“We ended up getting tattoos and just spending the day together,” German said.

Tortorici, who currently lives in Taylor Hall, said she wants her family to see where her classes are. There is one particularly hard commute Tortorici said she wants to show her family.

“I want them to see how far I have to walk to my 8 o’clock,” said Tortorici, who walks from Taylor all the way to the Physical Science Building early in the morning.

Tortorici said her mother will be more interested in the volumes accessible in Booth Library.

“I’ll give them a tour (of Booth) and act like I know exactly where everything is,” she said.

German said she recommends freshman taking their parents on tours of the different buildings they are in and describe their professors and latest homework assignments.

“It’s great to show them that you feel at home here-it puts them at ease,” German said.

Caroline McLeese, a freshman English major, went home the previous weekend and said she did not see the point of her family coming this weekend.

“It will probably be just like any other weekend,” McLeese said.

McLeese said if her roommate’s family ends up doing anything they would most likely include her in their activities.

Kasey Westcott, a sophomore biological sciences major, said she is excited to see her family. Westcott is from Springfield.

“I haven’t seen them in and month and it’s about time,” Westcott said.

Ben Pertl, a sophomore history education major, said he will be going home this weekend to avoid the crowded campus.

“It’s going to be super crowded and I can spend time with my family without having to deal with the hustle and bustle,” Pertl said.

Nike Ogunbodede can be reached at 581-7942 or