Mattoon police responded to a potential threat made against the St. John Lutheran Middle School Monday morning.
Interim Principal of St. John Lutheran School Meghan Hagen said the school received a phone call from a concerned parent in reference to the potential threat. The school shared the information with police.
The threat had been shared across social media platforms, Hagen said. Detectives with the investigating unit arrived at the scene before the suspect arrived and detained the suspect.
At around 10:30 a.m., parents were sent an email from the principal. The email informed parents that threats had been made and the suspect had been detained.
According to the Mattoon Police, the suspect is currently being held at the Vermillion County Juvenile Detention Center. The juvenile is charged with disorderly conduct- making school threats and making a terrorist threat.
More information is to come as the investigation continues.
Sia DeyKoontz and Jacob Hamm can be reached at 581-2812 or at dennewsdesk@gmail.com.