Housing ‘friends’ students using Facebook, Twitter

Students can now expect tweets and status updates from Eastern’s Housing and Dining Services after the department took the technological leap by joining the two social networks.

Jeremy Alexander, the coordinator of residential life, recently created an @EIUHousing Twitter account in July and currently has 61 followers.

“(Eastern) recognized that the dynamic in communication for students has changed,” Alexander said. “And we are trying to connect with students as much as possible.”

Alexander has created Facebook pages for all of the residence halls on campus to allow those living in the halls to communicate with each other and those in charge.

“More and more students are comfortable discussing issues on social

media,” he said. “But we try not to force a relationship. It happens organically.”

Anna Studstill, a graduate student, lives off-campus, but said she thinks Housing is smart to look to social media to join the most popular social networks.

“I think it’s a neat way to keep in touch and keep students updated on events,” Studstill said.

It is great to see Eastern trying to stay in tune with technology, Studstill said.

Alexander said he is glad that students are having a positive reaction.

“We are trying to make sure we are on the same wavelength,” he said.

Alicia Crampton, a junior art major, said it would have been a great resource for her when she first moved to Eastern.

“I would definitely recommend it to freshman moving in and people who live on campus,” Crampton said.

Aurora Erickson, a graduate student, said she does not know what Housing would need to use Twitter for.

“Twitter is like using word of mouth on steroids,” Alexander said. “I try to be on there every day, but I try not to have meaningless tweets.”

Nike Ogunbodede can be reached at 581-2812 or ovogunbodede@eiu.edu