Meet and greet

An endowment tea to honor scholarship donors and scholarship recipients will be held at 3 p.m. Friday in the north lobby of Booth Library.

The ceremony, which is sponsored by the EIU foundation, will give students the chance to meet the donors who made their scholarships possible, as well as give donors the opportunity to hear the impact their money has made on students, said Vicky Woodard, director of media relations.

“This is a thank you for people who have given money to the foundation,” she said

The EIU foundation sent out an invitation to everyone who donated scholarship money and the students whose donors responded.

Karen South, an assistant at the EIU foundation, said that 48 donors would be attending.

Lou Hencken, interim university president and Jill Nilsen, vice president of students affairs, will start the tea with welcome speeches followed by short presentations from two scholarship donors and a student.

Everyone will then get a chance to mingle to meet and share stories with one another, Woodard said.

Jamie Biby, an honors student majoring in mathematics, is this year’s recipient of the John George Wozencraft Award and will give the audience insight as to how her scholarship has benefited her throughout the school year, Woodard said.

Rudy Hlavek, a 1964 Eastern graduate who established the Gover/Fagan Scholarship and the Hlavek Scholarship, and Shirley Moore, a retired EIU faculty member who established the Moore Men’s Track Scholarship, will also give short speeches about their scholarships, she said.