Students return refreshed from week break

Last week Eastern students enjoyed a break from classes and the campus grind. Whether students went home for the break or stayed in Charleston, the time was spent avoiding things related to school.

Chet Farly, a sophomore graphic design major, said he stayed around Charleston for break.

“I worked everyday and played PlayStation 2 every night,” he said, adding that when he wasn’t doing that he hung out with the few people left in the area.

“Basically, I wasted my break. It was great,” Farly said.

Erin Scott, a sophomore English major from Mattoon, said, “I just enjoyed being around family, friends, and my new husband John. Since John is in the military, we had to do both Thanksgiving and Christmas for both families in one week because after this he goes out to sea for six months.”

Scott also said, “I get to do something most don’t get to: I am flying back to California with him for a few days at the end of break.”

Jared Bayler, a junior speech communication major, stayed around the city for break.

“I had two Thanksgivings, one on Thursday and one Sunday. I also helped my parents hang Christmas decorations. That wasn’t too bad,” he said.

Roseanne Lehner, a junior early-childhood education major, said she spent her break at home doing nothing.

“I really didn’t do much, spent time with family and friends from back home and I also went shopping the day after Thanksgiving at 5:00 am,” Lehner said.

She also said shopping the day after thanksgiving wasn’t that great because the mall and Wal-Mart were packed back home in Peoria

Josh Newby, a junior chemistry major, said he worked 56 hours at Wal-Mart and ate a lot of turkey during the break.

“Overall, I didn’t do much” Newby said.