What does Eastern want in a president?

Luke Taylor, Multimedia News Editor


Benjamin Drake, junior history major

“I think that the next university president really needs to be someone that cares for students and student involvement. I think that’s something that’s really important. I think that another thing is working to combat mental health crises on campus because I think that’s a big issue in today’s higher education field- so just looking to work with students and what they need for mental health is probably my biggest thing along with student activity.”

Madelyn Powers, junior English

“The president of Ireland has this dog that he brings everywhere so I think Eastern should also have a president that brings a dog everywhere, especially if it’s a therapy dog. Because mental health should be taken very seriously and who would be more warm and welcoming than a man or a woman or anyone with a sweet little doggie just following around with them to be there for you?”

Mack Graham, junior studio art major

“I think what I would like to see in the next university president is maybe a little bit of like diversity and like minority-wise, maybe a person of color. I would like to see more diversity in how they help out other communities in the university like LGBT, the Black Lives community- more minority reach out, more involving them in the stuff that we do on campus.”

Gordon Baltazar, freshman biology major

“I think it would be cool if there was a president at Eastern who showed up to all the campus events and kind of joined and went in on everything like the students.”

Allison Smith, freshman communication disorders and sciences major

“Maybe someone who connects with the students and makes an effort to know students on a personal level. Someone who cares about students.”

Rob Le Cates contributed to this article.

Luke Taylor can be reached at 581-2812 or egtaylor@eiu.edu.