EDITORIAL: Slut shame elsewhere
Brother Jed takes his turn to preach after his wife, Sister Cindy, on Sept. 13. He explains stories about his life and answers questions from students.
September 13, 2021
Brother Jed and Sister Cindy Smock made their annual trip to Eastern and shockingly enough received a poor reaction from students.
But honestly, what did they expect? They are a punchline at campuses across the country.
Sure, they get a good turn out of students but it is obvious that the majority of people who attend their rantings are there to laugh at them, mock their utterly ridiculous preaching and blow off some steam while yelling at them. No amount of TikTok fame is going to change that.
Yet, every year or more we see them step back on Eastern’s campus, ready to call students sluts and whores and tell them they are going to Hell. It has been over forty years of the same act and the same reaction with few people actually buying into the hateful message the Smocks spread.
As most of the members of The Daily Eastern News Editorial Board have seen the spectacle that is the campus preaching of Jed and Cindy, we have some recommendations:
- Don’t scream at people to repent. No one likes being yelled at.
- Stop using ridiculous behavior to grab attention. Seeing a 70-something fall to the ground is just concerning, if you’re not careful someone is going to call an ambulance.
- Get a better amplifier. No one can hear you when your speaker keeps cutting out.
In all seriousness though, the schtick is old and worn out. Feel free to enjoy retirement, Jed and Cindy, a nation of college students will thank you for it.