Leave your political views off social media

Mercury Bowen, Entertainment Reporter

It is one thing to post an image or text on social media that you enjoy or find informative about politics.

It is an entirely different thing to blow up your social media feed or feeds with post after post bashing a specific political figure or party.

While I have been known to like or share a post every so often regarding something political, I have no desire to scroll through dozens of posts about the matter, especially not bashing other people or their opinions.

That said, I fully support freedom of speech.

I am not denying that everyone has the right to post whatever they want.

I am saying that just because someone has the right to do something does not mean they should do it.

This is not only a matter of personal preference.

We live in a society where anything we post online can and will stay in some dark corner of the internet forever.

In today’s world, what one posts on social media can have lasting repercussions in their everyday lives as well.

I have heard it said that when meeting a new person, the three things to avoid discussion in the interest of preventing conflict are sports, religion and politics.

These are all areas in which people can have very strong, heated opinions, thus they are best kept to one’s self in a new societal environment.

This can be said of social media as well.

Many times, when one is curious about a new person, they take to social media to learn more about them.

If that person finds post after post of spiteful mudslinging, they are likely to form an opinion about you based on these things.

Posting harsh commentary about other political people or parties can give the appearance of rudeness or disrespect of others’ opinions on your part.

Even employers have been known to look at potential employees social media accounts to get a sense of the person they would potentially hire.

It is terribly easy for a potential employer to see posts such as those and resolve not to hire that person without being required to cite that as a reason for that decision.

Even if your social media posts are restricted so only whom you approve may see, you must realize that some of your friends may not share in your opinions.

It can be taken as inconsiderate of you to disregard those friends’ opinions so blatantly as to openly bash someone or something political that those friends may support.

What it comes down to is a matter of respect.

There are tactful ways to express one’s opinions without slathering your social media feeds in hateful political messages.

Mercury Bowen is a senior journalism major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or at mjbowen@eiu.edu.