Students prepare for Independence Day

By early tomorrow afternoon, the sweet smell of barbecue will drift slowly in the hot summer air.

Equipped with the necessities—cold beer, brats, good music and burgers— decks and porches around town will transform into temporary sanctuaries from the heat and humidity.

Far in the distance, the bustle of Charleston’s Red, White & Blue Days will provide a fitting backdrop for makeshift Fourth of July celebrations.

For many Eastern students, the expectations for the Fourth of July are not those of grandeur, but of simple relaxation.

Despite the many activities provided by Charleston’s annual festival, many Eastern students admitted they would not be attending, choosing instead to celebrate Independence Day in backyards or front porches.

Lisa Broderick, a senior pre-physical therapy major, said she and her friends plan to barbecue for the Fourth, combating the summer heat with children pools and iced beer.

“We might go to see the fireworks,” Broderick said. “But we’ve all been so busy with summer classes, and it will be nice to just stay home and relax.”

Many other students agreed with Broderick, citing the day off from classes as a much-needed break.

Georgia Smith, a freshman elementary education major, joked about using the Fourth of July to catch up on some sleep.

Though joking, Smith said she is excited to have the day off, and plans to attend the variety of events at the Red, White & Blue Days festival.

“We’re probably going to see Jake Owen on Tuesday, and then for the Fourth, we’re going to cook out and go to watch the fireworks,” Smith said.

Other Eastern students said they were excited for the concerts in Morton Park as well.

Jordan Burkybile, a senior psychology major, said she had wanted to see Blue Moon Swamp perform for a long time.

Blue Moon Swamp covers exclusively John Fogerty and Creedence Clearwater Revival songs.

They will be performing at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in Morton Park.

“I love CCR, and am really excited to watch them (Blue Moon Swamp])play,” Burkybile said. “I will never have the chance to see the real CCR, so it’s nice to see such a good cover band, especially for free.”

However, despite the many Fourth of July festivities, not all Eastern students plan to stay in town.

Many students said they had other plans for the holiday, and are going to use the day off from class to travel.

Michael Davidson, a senior English major, said he was excited to get out of Charleston, even if for one day.

“I’ll be going to St. Louis for a Cardinals game, and then I’ll probably just stay downtown there,” he said. “It should be a good time.”

John Downen can be reached at 581-7942 or at [email protected]