Intramurals offers activity for students

There are not a lot of activities around Charleston during the summer, which is why the Student Recreational Center offers intramural activities.

For this summer, there haven’t been enough students to sign up for team sports intramurals.

But the individual and doubles tournaments are still taking signatures, according to Jessica Acevedo, a senior physical education major and team sports supervisor at the Rec.

Acevedo said she usually supervises the matches and makes sure no one gets hurt while they play.

“We don’t really have officials during the summer,” she said.

Although many people aren’t signing up for the tournaments, students that are here for the summer show up for the singles tournaments.

Shirts are awarded to the champions, said Acevedo.

“Team sports are not really available in the summer,” said Acevedo. “That’s more like fall and spring semesters.”

Alex Soto is a senior kinesiology major and an intramurals referee.

He said the team sports usually start two weeks after school starts.

Every season the Rec offers many different sports for intramurals.

Soto said some of the team sports get really competitive.

He said sororities and fraternities are usually the most competitive because they’re fighting for team points against all the other Greeks.

Resident halls and individual teams can also sign up for these intramural team sports during the fall and spring semester.

“Football is the biggest one. They probably have over 60 teams,” said Soto. “On some of the sports, there are frat championships and then at the end the frat and hall championship faces each other.”

There will be a bags tournament on July 21.

A disc golf tournament will take place at July 28.

Harrison Bueno can be reached at 581-7942 or at [email protected].