Column: I’m getting annoyed: Part One

It is a well-known fact amongst those who know me personally that I’m not the most personable individual. I’m an established grump; many things annoy me.

That being said, I have decided to air some of my gripes right here, to you, the reader, in the hopes that at least someone out there feels the same as me. And if not, then who cares?

First up: Idle threats.

I’m sick and tired of people making outrageous threats they never have any intention of carrying out. It both demeans yourself as well as me by forcing me to waste my time being concerned about whether or not you are actually going to live up to said threat.

If I cut you off in the passing lane and you scream to me at a red light that you are going to burn my house the ground, then I expect to go home to a smoldering pile of rubble.

It’s just plain rude to cause me to live in fear only to forget about the threat two days later. It also gives me license to continue pissing people off because I know they are never, in fact, going to actually punch me in the face.

Next issue: Guys who play their music incredibly loud out of their dorm room windows/guys who play guitar in the quad (this one is a two-part complaint).

I’m officially tired of walking across campus and hearing music blasted at 75 decibels from a third-floor window. I’m really happy to know that you just bought the new Jason Mraz CD and you’ve got a gigantic stereo, but if I wanted to listen to that, I would go out and buy the album myself, which, of course, I will not.

Close the window, turn your speakers around and put on your headphones. No one wants to hear your music but you.

Furthermore, guys with guitars, keep them indoors.

I’m super-psyched that you just learned “No. 41” by Dave Matthews but I could care less to hear you scream it off key while I’m trying to walk my half-awake hind parts to class.

No one is stopping to hear you play other than girls who are looking for a “deep” guy with feelings, and she will be sadly mistaken once you put your guitar down and start speaking to them.

We get it. You have a guitar and that makes you really cool.

One of my bigger annoyances: Effort and those who put it forth.

I learned at a very young age from “The Simpsons” that the first step toward failure is trying.

Those of you that are waking up two hours before class to do your hair and put on a nice button-down shirt are just making the rest of us look bad.

And those of you going out of your way to participate in extra-curriculars are killing me.

Not to say I’m that lazy but I don’t need to hear how you are maintaining your 4.0 GPA while running a student group. I’m busy just trying to pay rent. Some of us are poor.

This is not a complete list of things that anger me, not by a long shot. But it is a start. And it isn’t to say that everything in the world angers me, just certain things.

Maybe you feel the same and now know someone else out there has your back.

David Thill is a senior journalism major. He can be reached at [email protected] or 581-7942.