Porn Again at Uptowner

In a town where most of the music listened to consists of country and folk rock, the Porn Again Christians thought it would be hard to find people to appreciate its rock ‘n roll sound.

“We really enjoy playing in Charleston now and then,” said Joe Sanner, bassist for the band. “It can be difficult finding musicians in Charleston interested in playing the music we like to play, but it’s not difficult finding people who like to get sauced and rock.”

The Porn Again Christians hopes to find people wanting to rock at its performance at 10 p.m. Saturday at Mac’s Uptowner with The Geezers.

The band, comprised of Sanner, Tommy Rue on guitar and vocals, and Jake Pope on drums, are not new to the venue.

“It’s quite a release to turn everything on 10 to assault everyone’s eardrums, especially in a small venue, like the Uptowner,” Pope said.

The band formed last December, but the band members had previous experience in groups that include Swampass, Loomis, Spankwagon and Frictionmachine. Dan Tessitore, a longtime friend of the band and comedian, thought up the band’s name.

The band members said they were throwing around names and they liked his suggestion.

When the Porn Again Christians has scheduled shows, the band likes to practice the night before unless the members are writing new songs.

“Writing one of our songs is a lot like giving birth to a badger – sweaty, messy, painful -at first. But once it’s done, you’re glad you got it outta there,” Sanner said.

However, it is not uncommon for practices to turn into discussions about other musicians.

“Jake usually keeps us focused in practice. Otherwise, we would stand around smoking cigarettes and talking about other people’s music,” Sanner said.

Pope added that the discussions are constructive criticism.

“(It is) not shit-talking of course, just constructive criticism about how all you hear anymore is hippie jam-band bullshit, worthless, monotonous hip-hop garbage and pseudo-rock bands who come out with pretentious over-produced records,” Pope said laughing. “We’re not at all cynical.”

When performing, the band likes to have a fun time on stage, however nothing too crazy has happened in any of the shows yet.

“When Tommy and I were in Swampass, the entire band was once stripped naked on stage by the crowd at Punk Rock Night in Indianapolis, but nothing of note yet with this band,” Pope said.

The Porn Again Christians has previously performed with the California band, ADHD, who were at the Uptowner last month.

The band’s performances are energetic and Sanner said, “If you like to be offended by high volume, you will probably like us.”