Table tennis champs crowned Monday

This wasn’t your friendly game of table tennis usually seen at the rec. The winners of last week’s table tennis tournament played in the championship Monday night.

Players came for a variety of reasons such as to represent their house, as Christine Howe of Alpha Gamma Delta did, or dorm as men’s winner Andy Kickham of Ford did. Others decided to join the tournament just to have some competitive play as women’s winner Christine Barranio did.

Barranio and Kickham both have been playing since coming to Eastern.

“I’ve played almost every day since freshman year,” said sophomore Barranio. “I was hoping to win.”

The tournament started last week with the winners of each night playing in a final four championship Monday.

Barranio played Howe in the championship and won with a score of 21-7 and 21-10.

“I don’t play much,” said Howe. “But I still had a lot of fun.”

Kickham hasn’t played as much this past year, but played a lot in the past. He played Steven Kitty for the championship. Kitty even brought his own paddles.

“It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be,” said Kickham. “But I just went in there and hoped for the best.”

Both Kickham and Barranio received an intramural t-shirt for winning the tournament.