Bill Cosby may have made Americans love Jell-O, but his newest venture won’t meet the same success.

Cosby announced last Friday that he is donating $1 million toward the opening of a national slavery museum. Cosby joined mayor Douglas Wilder, of Richmond, Va., on a quest to raise $100 million to be used toward the $200 million project.

To raise the rest of the money, Cosby called upon every American citizen to donate $8.

Hey Bill, I have a news flash for you. The majority of Americans probably don’t care enough to give you their money. Especially college students. To college students, that’s eight Wendy’s Jr. Bacon cheeseburgers they won’t get. They might starve, you know?

There should be a national slavery museum. Slavery was a tragic part of our nation’s history. It is something that needs to be remembered.

But Bill, I mean, come on, find a better way to raise the money.

I mean, hold a fundraiser. Have a special broadcast of “Kids Say the Darnedest Things.” Maybe even hold a “Cosby Show” reunion. Or how about you take the comedy tour back on the road?

Do something that will give the average American something to benefit from, even if it is just the opportunity to laugh. The average American probably is never going to travel to Richmond just to see the museum, but a lot of them sure would tune in to the “Cosby” reunion show.

Have you also thought of maybe trying to collect donations from other prominent and famous people? I mean, there have to be some rich people out there willing to give some money. Why not give Oprah a call?

Forbes ranks Oprah as being the 229th richest American, with a net worth of $975 million. I think I’ll let Oprah cover my eight dollars for me. I think she can cover eight dollars for a lot of people.

How about the 399 others listed on Forbes’ list? Together, the 400 richest Americans are worth over $1 trillion for the first time in history. To reach the $100 million goal Cosby and Wilder have set, all it would take would be for each of these 400 individuals to donate $250,000. That’s .00045 percent of the net worth of the lowest-ranked person on the list, who has a net worth of $550 million.

Cosby has even announced that projects like this one “generally fail badly.” Why are we trying it then, Bill?

I understand that Americans should care and be willing to donate money, but it’s just not going to happen, at least not on a $100 million scale. The efforts for this project should be focused on means and methods that are likely to raise the money necessary to make this museum a reality.

I mean, come on Bill, not every venture is as easy as mixing sugar and water and singing J-E-L-L-O. If you’re truly that passionate about a cause, try stepping up the action and starting a foundation or support organization. Don’t just rely on us and our donations.