Workshop will advise on how to help friends

The Counseling Center will be sponsoring a workshop titled “Helping a Friend in Need” at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Effingham Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

The workshop is designed to help students who think their friend has a problem that has gotten out of control and who want to know what to do about it.

David Onestak, director of the Counseling Center, will speak to students at the workshop.

The workshop focuses on consultation and will cover pertinent and interesting situations students are worried about involving friends.

Onestak will discuss various topics to give students ideas on how to help with their boyfriend, girlfriend, roommate or friend with a problem.

Workshops similar to this have been given in the past, but this is something most students haven’t had a chance to experience that will benefit them, Onestak said.

It’s important to stress that the workshop is not to try to identify the people with the problem, but to give advice to help work through the problem and handle the situation, Onestak said.

The workshop will cover how to approach a person with a problem, how to approach the problem and how to deal with it.

Onestak will discuss what should be said to handle the problem in a general sense, but will also run through specific situations given by students.

The workshop is free and all students are encouraged to attend.

Even if students choose not to speak or participate in discussion, just sitting in on the workshop and listening to what others have to say and advice given will benefit all students, Onestak said.