College couples: the tall and short of it

In the spectrum of a guy, we will never understand women. Especially in college, girls and guys go through every situation you could possibly think of. A guy meeting a girl, them getting to know each other and the two of them making sense of each others lives takes blind faith because the odds of finding that now a days is ridiculous.

Meeting someone on this campus is tough. Guys and girls stick together in packs, whether you are greek, in a sport, a bar freak or a nerd. Regardless of what you group you fall into, buckle up because the ride that college relationships send you on is enough to drive any person to the edge.

At first, you meet somene, or get introduced, and things seem to be going well. You get the girls’ or guys’ number, and you definitely see potential in the situation. Normally, if a guy likes this girl he’ll usually call the next day. So then what happens if they’re not home? Do you hang up or leave a message?

Hanging up and trying again would be fine, but if she has caller i.d. and you call a few times that day, she’ll think she’s got a stalker on her hands. On the other hand, if you leave a message your pretty much are flipping a coin because some girls don’t believe in calling back. So guys, are you loving this yet?

So what happens if you get to talk to her and you arrange to meet out at a bar? Typically, you both make it out and find each other, and you start making conversation and life is good. The night starts to come to a close and another predicament arises.

This is Eastern and at this campus the word most people like to use is shacking. Whether you do or don’t that night, eventually you will get to that point. But regardless of what you think, this act of shacking might not mean a thing.

I can’t even begin to run down all the factors that drives one to “shack,” much less understand them. Obviously if things went well and you are still on good terms, you might try taking the next step and officially or unofficially (who knows) make yourselves a couple.

This is a good place to be if you care about this person enough to commit yourself to them. But you know that doesn’t always happen. This is college and temptation is everywhere, but if you can manage to stay faithful then God bless ya.

There are all types of couples on this campus with all kinds of situations. The couple that can’t be apart, the love-hate relationship and the hot and cold situation that we’ve probably all been in at one point. But whatever the scenario, staying together in a college relationship is probably worse than playing Russian Roulette.

For some reason, college couples can find more meaningless ways to fight about things that have absolutely no importance whatsoever. I see it first hand everywhere I go. Oh and don’t think I’m out of this, in fact, I’m not good enough to even be in a relationship.

I think the hardest stage for couples to go through isn’t a set period of time. Sure, getting to know those wonderful habits and behaviors that were not mentioned before are fun to find out, but every day is a battle for a couple in college. That’s not how it should be at all, but some couples deserve a medal just for staying together some days.

Trust me, I have no secrets to give you about the situation, but here are some things I know do not help.

Being a jealous crazy person. Always worrying about what your significant other is doing is no way to live. If you’re going to be like that, you should not be in the relationship and you should probably go get checked for an ulser.

Smothering someone. Nine times out of ten guys or girls hate it when the other insists on being around all the time. If you’re feeling so lonely, you should probably go out and buy a dog.

Cheating. You should be faithful, and if you can’t then don’t. But if you do happen to get caught once, you should come clean with everything else you’ve done wrong in the past. True, if the girl doesn’t haven’t a ring on her finger then it’s not against the Bible, but try explaining that to her.

Just plain being mean. Words kill. I don’t care what anyone says. Treat your girl or guy like you would treat your mom. If you have a hard time doing that, then get out, it’s not going to work.

Trying to be cool around your friends. That just shows who you care about more. Showing them in public how much you care about them could definitely make your better half feel more secure.

Assuming everything. Just because you know you love them doesn’t mean they know. On the other hand, if you say something too much, it loses it’s feeling. It’s not a punchline, it’s true emotion.

Being self-consumed. Your days of worrying about nothing else except yourself are over. Now there is someone in your life that you have to think of and put before yourself.

These tidbits of knowledge aren’t an equation and won’t add up to the perfect relationship. College couples are crazy and unpredictable.

For that reason, it’s the little things that make it all work and come together. Girls and guys become more appealing or less appealing once you get to know them. After that, let the cards fall where they may.

And to those couples out there still making it, I tip my hat to you. Maybe I can join you some day.

Ben Duke is a senior journalism major and a guest columnist for The Daily Eastern News. His e-mail address is [email protected]. Columns are the opinion of the author.