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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Trent Jonas is a graduate student studying English and can be reached at 217-581-2812.

COLUMN: Illinois should have a national park, and it should be Shawnee National Forest

Trent Jonas, Columnist February 13, 2023

Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872. There are now 63 national parks in the system, and none of them are in Illinois. But the U.S. Forest Service’s 297,000-acre Shawnee National...

Get to know local candidates

Get to know local candidates

Luke Taylor, Editor-in-Chief November 6, 2022

The News contacted candidates with a list of questions to learn about them and their stances on various issues. The same questions were sent to al candidates listed on the Coles County 2022 General Election...

Educational census forum to be held Thursday

Logan Raschke, Managing Editor January 29, 2020

The Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteerism will educate Charleston’s community about the 2020 Census during an open forum Thursday evening. The forum is free and open to anyone in Charleston, including...

Set goals to prepare for life after college

Kate Rehwinkel, Columnist August 18, 2019

It is finally official, I am a senior and this is going to be my last year at Eastern. I have decided to set personal and academic goals this school year. Every student at Eastern should enjoy the school...

Righter talks decision to not seek re-election, Illinois’ political climate

Logan Raschke, Editor-in-Chief June 25, 2019

After being a part of the Illinois General Assembly for 22 years now, State Sen. Dale Righter said it is time for someone else to represent the 55th district. Righter made the announcement that he will...

Students share their thoughts on increasing minimum wage

Shamaine Ware, Contributing Writer February 18, 2019

Students on campus shared mixed opinions about a bill passed by the House on Feb. 14 to increase Illinois’ minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. Marcus Burns, a junior majoring in applied engineering...

CUPB, McCann talk potential minimum wage hike

Analicia Haynes, Editor-in-Chief February 10, 2019

It would cost Eastern just under an additional $2 million a year to cover the costs of a potential $15 increase in minimum wage by 2025. Paul McCann, the interim vice president of business affairs, made...

Hidden Treasures fire caused by lightning strike

Staff Report June 14, 2018

A lightning strike caused the fire at Hidden Treasures resale shop on Sunday. According to a press release from the Charleston Fire Department, fire investigators and the investigator for the insurance...

State universities asked to ‘tighten belt’ to fill possible deficit

Analicia Haynes, Online Editor March 8, 2017

Representatives from the nine public universities and three higher education agencies met with the Senate Committee on Higher Education Tuesday and were asked how they can “tighten their belts” in...

Dennis Malak

Malak seeks stability, representation for 110th District

Sam Fishel, Staff Reporter June 20, 2016

Dennis Malak is certain that through advocacy for stability and responsive legislating, he will be the best choice to represent the interests of Eastern, Charleston, and the entire 110th District in the...

Former Illinois govenor Jim Edgar introduces David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at SIUC, during the Edgar Speaker Series in Buzzard Auditorium on Thurday.

Jim Edgar talks about budget impasse

Cassie Buchman, Administration Editor October 22, 2015

Not having a budget passed for Illinois is a pressing issue for many who live in the state. Someone who has been vocal about his concerns is former Illinois Gov. Jim Edgar, who recently came to Eastern...

Illinois politics to be discussed in the Union

Lauren Barry, Staff Reporter October 19, 2015

Problems with the Illinois government will be the topic of a discussion during the “Illinois Politics and Government: Options for Reform” at 4 p.m. Tuesday. Richard Wandling, the chair of the political...

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