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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Minimum wage hike will not affect Eastern employees’ statuses, says President Glassman

Logan Raschke, Managing Editor December 8, 2019

Eastern employees, students or not, will not be laid off after the minimum wage hike starting Jan. 1, which mandates all employers in the state of Illinois to pay employees $9.25 an hour instead of $8.25. Eastern...

CUPB to hear administration, textbook reports

Analicia Haynes, Senior Reporter December 5, 2019

The Council on University Planning and Budget will hear reports Friday from Textbook Rental and from the administrative and subcommittees during its meeting in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Cathy...

Marketing budget aims to brand Eastern

Logan Raschke, Managing Editor November 3, 2019

*Editor’s Note: This is the first of two stories following up on CUPB’s Nov. 1 meeting. This story details Josh Norman’s presentation on the university’s strategic enrollment planning and marketing...

CUPB to hear enrollment, marketing updates

Analicia Haynes, Senior Reporter October 31, 2019

Josh Norman, the associate vice president for enrollment management, will highlight Eastern’s marketing plan during the Council on University Planning and Budget meeting Friday. The meeting will be...

Faculty Senate to hear 4 university updates

Staff Report October 28, 2019

The Faculty Senate will hear four items of business during Tuesday. The items include an update on the School of the Arts, an update on testing accommodations,  a report on the Illinois Board of Higher...

McCann gives FY19 budget update

Analicia Haynes, Senior Reporter October 6, 2019

The Council on University Planning and Budget received a fiscal year 2019 budget update during its Friday meeting. Paul McCann, the interim vice president for business affairs, said for disclosure purposes,...

CUPB to hear budget up, bylaw change

Analicia Haynes, Senior Reporter October 3, 2019

The Council on University Planning and Budget will hear a budget update and discuss a proposed bylaw change at its 2 p.m. meeting Friday. The meeting will be in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the Martin Luther...

Glassman talks capital development needs request, Springfield

Analicia Haynes, Editor-in-Chief March 4, 2019

Eastern requested $145 million in capital development needs and emergency capital needs from Springfield on Feb. 28. Eastern President David Glassman said he and Paul McCann, the interim vice president...

CUPB to hear report on student government, life

Staff Report December 6, 2018

The Council on University Planning and Budget will hear a report from the director of the office of student life at 2 p.m. Friday. The meeting will be in the Arcola-Tuscola Room of the Martin Luther...

Glassman tells CUPB about latest testimony to state senate higher education committee

Brooke Schwartz, Contributing Writer March 4, 2018

The Council on University Planning and Budgeting met on Friday to discuss newly added majors and Eastern President David Glassman’s most recent testimony to the state senate appropriations higher education...

Eastern has received some money from FY17, FY18 appropriations, still waiting on rest of the money

Cassie Buchman, Editor in Chief January 15, 2018

Though the university has not received all the money appropriated to it by the state of Illinois for FY17 and FY18, it is still getting it at a somewhat faster pace than originally thought. “We are...

More discussion, no action on athletics taken at CUPB

Cassie Buchman, Editor-in-Chief December 10, 2017

Members of the Council on University Planning and Budgeting reported their constituencies’ thoughts on the potential elimination of some sports at Friday’s CUPB meeting. The CUPB did not take any...

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