CAA approves revision for anti-racist comments

Rob Le Cates

The Council of Academic Affairs voted in favor of revising the curriculum in the history department to be more inclusive to all students.

Madelyn Kidd, Editor-in-Chief

The Council of Academic Affairs approved revisions to Eastern’s history programs to reflect the department’s anti-racist statement from August 2020 and to change the history currently taught to be inclusive and increase representation on Thursday.

The history department is revising the history major, history minor and history major with a concentration in international studies to reflect their 2020 statement and for the programs to better represent a diverse and inclusive history.

CAA also approved a history course, HIS-1101, being revised to merge two courses in the history major programs to one.

This includes HIS-1101, originally a one credit hour class, and SOC-2400, another one credit hour class. The two courses will be merged into one changing HIS-1101 into a three credit hour class.

This revised course will also be added into the revised history programs as well.

CAA approved two parts of the academic catalog to be revised.

Language will be revised in the Fresh Start Academic Renewal Policy Proposal to clarify portions of the text.

The language in Reinstatement Following Second Academic Dismissal policy was also revised to remove a listed course no longer available.

CAA approved three new music courses to be available for the spring 2024 semester.

The three new courses are:

  • MUS-4000 Capstone Dispositions and Skills Review
  • MUS-4400 Seminar in Methods of Teaching Instrumental Music
  • MUS-4401 Seminar in Methods of Teaching Vocal/General Music

The capstone will be taken in the same semester as either seminar. The capstone course will not meet weekly, but instead will meet at the end of the same semester a student takes MUS-4400 or MUS-4401.

Both music seminars are four credit hour courses with three hours in lectures and one hour for lab.

The seminars are department capstones acting as senior seminars rather than being a senior seminar.

The three courses are only available to music education majors.

CAA approved a new computer science course, CSM-1000 Introduction to Computer Science, to be available for the fall 2023 semester.

The three credit hour course is available to all majors, but is required for mathematics and mathematics with teacher licensure majors.

The new course led to two program revision proposals as well.

CAA approved revisions to the mathematics program and the computer science program to add the new CSM-1100 course to the program’s catalog.

CSM-1100 will be listed under the required course content of the mathematics program and listed under the computer science core courses listing as recommended for computer science majors.

CAA approved a revision to the electrical engineering program to add the EEN-1101 Logic Design Laboratory on the list of required courses.

EEN-1101 has not been a listed requirement, but it is a required prerequisite for other required courses for the major.

CAA approved a course revision for ECN-4689 Economics Research Capstone for revisions to allow this course to fulfill the senior seminar requirement for students in the economics program.

CAA approved a course revision to SOC-3400 Middle Level and Secondary Social Studies Teaching Methods to account for changes to the course since its approval in 2017.

SOC-3400 has changed in placement for some programs and changes from the professor teaching in what topics are taught and how.

The construction management program revision, tabled from a previous meeting, was approved 6-1. The revisions included changes to meet the Association of Technology Management and Applied Engineering, ATMAE, accreditation requirements.

The item was tabled to have an explanation as to why there are no required electives listed, which has been added.

A revision for the course HTM-4380 Hospitality Leadership, previously tabled at a previous meeting, was approved by CAA.

The revisions include changing the course from using the hospitality management simulation software to instead have the software used in HTM-3786 Hospitality Operations and Cost Control.

The software usage was decided to be changed because the other course focuses more on revenue management and cost control.


Madelyn Kidd can be reached at 581-2812 or at