City Council approves city towing agreement

Rob Le Cates

Charleston Mayor, Brandon Combs, reads out a ordinance which provides an additional amount of Tax Increment Financing funds to The Body Club at 618 Jackson Avenue at Tuesday afternoon’s City Council meeting at City Hall.

Kyara Morales-Rodriguez, Campus Reporter

The Charleston City Council unanimously approved authorizing the execution of the Towing of Vehicles Agreement on Tuesday evening.  

The Towing of Vehicle Agreement is an agreement between the Charleston Police Department and local towing agencies. The agreement “establishes guidelines for the towing of vehicles in accordance with applicable state laws and City of Charleston general ordinances,” according to the policy.  

Charleston Mayor Brandon Combs said that the City of Charleston Police Department contracts with three local towing companies, “and it is that time of the year to extend the agreements for another year with these same three towing companies.”  

Combs said that the towing fees will not change.  

Combs also announced the appointment of David Curtis Schaefer to a five-year term on the Coles County Memorial Airport Authority Board. The Council unanimously approved the Mayor’s appointment.  


Kyara Morales-Rodriguez can be reached at 581-2812 or at