Police, fire departments give tips for a safe Unofficial


Students enjoy a beautiful Saturday afternoon for 2020 Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Unofficial is an annual event in Charleston.

Corryn Brock, Editor-in-Chief

Ahead of Eastern’s favorite pseudo-holiday, officials from the University Police Department and Charleston Fire Department want students to know how they can stay safe while having fun.

CFD Chief Steve Bennett said one of the best ways students can make sure they are staying safe is by managing their drinking.

Bennett said drinking on a full stomach, pacing drinks and knowing when to stop drinking are some ways students can keep the party going without a hitch.

“The main thing is just to make smart choices,” Bennett said.

His best piece of advice, though? Keep the shopping carts off of the roof.

“There’s so many different ways someone could be injured seriously doing that,” Bennett said. “I mean, from the fall to possibly striking their head or something when they land, that could potentially kill someone. It all seems like fun and games when it’s going on, but serious consequences can come out of it.”

From the police side, UPD Chief Marisol Gamboa said students should know their limits, make sure they stay in control of their actions and stick to the buddy system. Part of staying in control is knowing what’s in the cup.

“If you are attending the parties, make sure that you guard your drink,” Gamboa said. “Never put your drink down. If you take your eyes off your drink, just throw it away. And it’s okay to say no if you don’t want to drink.”

She said students should also stay cautious when walking home from parties.

“We just want all of our students to make sure they get home as safe as they went out,” Gamboa said.

If someone does find themselves in a position where they need police assistance, Gamboa said they should not be afraid to reach out.

“We have blue phones spread out through the entire campus, they can push that button and it’ll connect them directly to 911, the emergency center, or they can call the police department, and we’ll send an officer out to their location to assist them however we can,” Gamboa said.

The first house party will start at 9 a.m. Saturday.


Corryn Brock can be reached at 581-2812 or at deneic@gmail.com.