Student Senate to vote on bylaw revisions

Kyara Morales-Rodriguez, Associate News Editor

Student Senate will be voting on the bylaw revisions made by the Committee on Bylaw Revision and Adoption during its meeting Wednesday. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union’s 7th Street Underground.

The bylaw revisions include changes to the requirements senators must meet to hold office.

One particular revision increased the minimum cumulative Grade Point Average from 2.5 to 2.75. This revision was made because the committee felt the 2.5 GPA requirement was too low for those in Student Senate.

Other bylaw revisions were made to put less pressure on the senators in Student Senate, such as revisions to the bylaws regarding the attendance policies senators must follow.

The bylaw revisions regarding attendance policies include the removal of the rule that prior notification is required for absences to be excused and the rule that a senator is allowed up to three absences per semester.

The changes to the attendance policies were made to be mindful of the possibility that senators may be absent due to an emergency or sudden illness.

Some bylaw revisions, if approved, could change the composition and duties of the committees under Student Senate. The bylaw revisions would remove the requirement of having a certain number of members in a committee, a revision that was made because the committee felt the rules were too restricting.

The bylaw revisions also include the possible addition of two new positions. If approved, Student Senate would include the Parliamentarian of the Senate and the Office of the Senate Graphic Designer.

The parliamentarian will enforce Robert’s Rules of Order, serve as the Student Secretary in absence of one and keep the order of all motions, seconds, and questions or discussion items.

The graphic designer will create marketing based on marketing forms submitted by Chairs of Committees, Speaker of the Senate and Executive Officers.

Bylaw revisions also included changes to the writing that make the language more inclusive and clearer.

Also on the agenda is a State of the Senate Address from Student Speaker of the Senate Katelynn Alexander and a State of the University Address from Student Body President Jacqueline Williams.


Kyara Morales-Rodriguez can be reached at 581-2812 or