DAR presents CPD officers with medals during City Council meeting

Charleston Police Officers Jacob Huss and Seth Brewer talk about the Distinguished Citizen medal they were just awarded before they pose for a group photo during the City Council meeting Dec. 7.

Corryn Brock, Editor-in-Chief

Three Charleston Police Department officers were awarded the Daughters of the American Revolution Distinguished Citizen Medal during the Charleston City Council meeting Tuesday night.

The officers being awarded were Seth Brewer, Jacob Huss and James Milton.

Julie Elbert, representing the Governor Edward Coles-Sally Lincoln chapter of DAR, presented the awards and said DAR gives the awards to “worthy citizens for their extraordinary service in the defense, promotion and or preservation of our American heritage of freedom.”

The medal can be awarded to “emergency first responders, emergency health responders, active duty military and veterans of the United States Armed Forces and citizens who have contributed to the defense, security or freedom of the community, state or nation in an exceptional manner.”

The council members also voted to place the tax levies for fiscal year 2022-2023 on file for public inspection.

The largest amounts being levied are $1,1721,444 for police pension, two amounts: $1,715,557 and $90,292 for fire pension and $412,604 for insurance and tort judgement.

A resolution connected to the levies for pensions was also voted on and approved per Illinois law.

Other amounts were levied mostly for general fund items.

The levies will be on file for public inspection at City Hall.

Mayor Brandon Combs said that, as presented, the levies should increase tax revenue by around $73,000.

The council also approved a contract for entertainment for Red, White and Blue Days. The band Bruce in the USA with special guest Rick K Road Trip will perform for the annual festival.

The contract is for $24,500.

Additionally, the council members said on the “disposal” of a 2003 MODEC, Inc. Decontamination Trailer and a DANUSER 3-Point Auger with Augers that they “have been determined to be obsolete or surplus.”

The resolution states it is in the best interest of the city “to dispose of said equipment by selling it to the highest bidder via EBay, Craig’s List, ILEAS, sealed bids, or public auction or selling it by weight for scrap price.”

The council approved waiving bidding procedures for the purchase of an irrigation system booster pump for the Sister City Phase II development and purchase the item through Site One Landscape Supply of Champaign. The cost of the pump will be $31,023.57.

Changes to Title 9, Chapter 2, Section 2 of the city code were also approved by the council, extending the temporary waiver of building permit fees and plumbing permit fees for new, single-family residential construction. The extension will end on Dec. 31, 2022.

Combs said the extension was “to encourage and promote redevelopment of vacant residential properties in the city of Charleston, and this is consistent with our city’s comprehensive plan.”

The council also approved the continuation of the local state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the resolution, the pandemic is of “sufficient severity and magnitude that it may result in or threaten the death or illness of persons to such an extent that extraordinary measures must be taken to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Charleston.”


Corryn Brock can be reached at 581-2812 or deneic@gmail.com.