Column: Charity from ultra-wealthy people is the bare minimum

Karina Delgado, Opinions Writer

Mackenzie Scott, Jeff Bezo’s ex-wife, recently donated another 2.7 billion to organizations in need. According to Vox, Scott has donated over “8.5 billion in less than a year” and she is still worth $60 billion.

What I enjoy about Scott is that she has a team where her members research organizations who are in need and donate money without releasing names (Vox).

These organizations are not big-name charities, but historically Black colleges/universities and other higher education institutions that “serve large numbers of Black, Latino and Native American students” (Washington Post).

Mackenzie Scott or Scott team members, if you ever read this, I am a broke college student in need. My university is also in need, hope to hear from you soon, thanks.

Individuals have also been debating whether we should praise Scott because she’s a billionaire, the %1. In my opinion, I feel in between.

The rest of us are the 99% working class, and many of us are trying to get through everyday life while working minimum wage with no benefits. Meanwhile we praise the 1% for things they should have been doing since day one.

We can’t tell people what to do with their money, but if you are a billionaire where you can help many people and still be rich – do it.

It’s gross how the one percent turn their back and use their money for more power. Two examples are Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.

They want to take their power by going to the moon but for what? The money they are spending to go to a different planet can help our home planet. Earth is going through a climate crisis and people who can help are looking the opposite way.

So no, I don’t think we need to praise the one percent because it’s giving them more power and attention.

Still, Scott being on the news over her donations could set an example for other billionaires. We know she’s doing it to make her ex-husband look bad, but Bezos apparently continues to not care.

Scott’s actions are a positive move, but we will have to see if we continue in that direction.

Karina Delgado is a senior English major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].