Kappa Alpha Psi honors Breast Cancer awareness week

Chrissy Miller, Staff Reporter

Kappa Alpha Psi is holding their Kappa Cares week from Monday through Saturday. Joseph Archie, records keeper for the fraternity, said the week will include of mixture of social events and raising awareness to breast cancer.

“We have this week that’s not only centered around the fight for breast cancer, but also centered around community involvement,” Archie said “We just want to show we care for our community that we are involved in.”

To accomplish this, they started the week with a forum on college relationships and how to manage them called “Consistency.”

“Picture these Boobies” will be held from 12 to 4 p.m. today on the South Quad. The group will have signs up to advocate fighting breast cancer and be giving out free hugs to promote awareness.

“You know, some people just need a hug to see we care about them and we support what’s going on with the fight for breast cancer,” Archie said.

This cause is important to the fraternity on many levels, vice president Nick Horne said.

“I had an auntie that beat breast cancer. So, I’m actually a big supporter of this cause. That’s why on Tuesday I’ll be making multiple signs,” Horne said. “My brothers in my fraternity are big supporters too. We’ve done this for two or three years now.”

Their “Dodging Boobies” dodge ball game will be held Wednesday at 7:11 p.m. in the Student Recreational Center and is open to all. The different colored dodge balls will represent the different types of cancer. It is a clever way to promote awareness while having fun, Horne said.

President Malcom Miller explained the time for this event is because their fraternity was founded in 1911. In honor of this, many of their events start at eleven minutes after the hour.

On Thursday, the fraternity plans to hold a “Paint and Sit” at the Kappa house to give students the opportunity to hang out and paint everything from posters to canvases.

This will provide a lead into their more social based events Friday and Saturday, Archie said. “Coolin’ on the Quad” will be at 12:11 p.m. on Friday Members of the fraternity will be interacting with students and handing out Kool-Aid, water and popsicles.

Kappa Alpha Psi will finish off their week with a Tailgate at 3 p.m. Saturday at O’Brien Stadium. Free food will be provided and the fraternity hopes this event will help students have a good time right before the football game, Horne said.

Getting to work hard to give back to the people that give to us makes this an experience worth having, Archie said. He also said he enjoys that this week gives his fraternity the opportunity to decrease stigma about Greek organization members just being concerned with partying and show them for what they truly are: helpful, community oriented leaders and volunteers.

“We have been working really hard to prepare this week for the campus. We would like it if you guys could come out and see what we have going on,” Archie said.

The motive for this week is getting people out on campus by being active in raising awareness for cancer and having fun, Miller said.

“We just want to let people know who we are on this campus and what we represent and that is achievement in every field of human endeavor,” Miller said.

Chrissy Miller can be reached @ 581-2812 or [email protected].