Student Senate to elect new executive member

Debby Hernandez, Associate News Editor

Student Senate members will be having special elections for a new executive vice president and is currently taking applications for the position.

Reginald Thedford, student body president, said the previous executive vice president Lauren Price stepped down for personal reasons.

Student Senate is a representative assembly elected by the student body.

The Senate’s executive vice president serves as the representative of the Student Senate to Eastern’s administration, and as the voting student representative on the Board of Trustees.

The executive vice president also elects a student representative to the Charleston City Council and all members of the Student Action Team.

“We are looking for people with an enthusiastic personality and leadership skills,” Thedford said.

Thedford said the position gives professional experience by being involved and taking part in university decision-making.

This position is unique because you get to serve as the student trustee.” Thedford said. “By being in BOT you build connections (and) with the university electing a new president, you get to take part in it.”

Thedford said the executive vice president is also in charge of the Student Activity Team lobbying trip, where students get a chance to lobby changes to their legislatures about issues or topics significant to students.

“By having a lobbying team, you get experience in being a leader (and) you get to learn politics,” he said. “Not too many students work in helping to change legislation.”

Executive members serve for one year, but the new executive vice president will serve for this semester only.

All applicants must complete an application, a candidate’s platform essay, and submit petition signatures.

The essay must consist of the skills, abilities, and the applicant’s vision for future projects and issues they would like to address if elected.

Packet applications are available in the Martin Luther King Jr. Union Student Activity Center.

Students interested in the position must have been an Eastern student at least one semester prior to seeking office.

The student must also have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university.

The candidate should be a full-time student during their time of application and term of office.

The executive vice president is involved in various student and faculty boards and committees.

The position includes attending weekly senate meetings and bi-weekly executive council meetings.

Those interested can stop by the Student Activity Center or contact Student Body President Reginald Thedford at for further information.

Applications, candidate’s platform essay, and petition signatures are due at 4 p.m. January 23 and must be turned in at the Student Activity Center.

Seating of the new Executive vice president will be at 7 p.m. February 11 in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. Union.


Debby Hernandez can be reached at 581-2812 or