Quakin’ in the Quad attracts students of all ages

Samantha Middendorf, Entertainment Editor

Students gathered in the South Quad Saturday night for Quakin’ in the Quad –“The Panther Games: Catching the Blue Blaze” to eat, socialize and enjoy inflatable games.

Attractions included a zip line, air bots, bungee runs, jousting, bouncy boxing, free food and keepsakes from Papa Johns and bingo.

Although first weekend events are typically aimed toward freshman, many upperclassmen also attended.

Students stood in line for hours awaiting their chance to go down the mobile zip line.

Tiffany Dukes, a senior family and consumer sciences major, found out about the zip line online.

“I saw that they would have a zip line online, and I ran out here as fast as I could,” Dukes said.  “I was scared while I was waiting in line, but I’m glad I did it.”

Dukes said she has gone to Quakin’ in the Quad every year to meet new people and see what the event has to offer.

The line for the zip line was long, but that didn’t stop students from waiting for the 10-second ride.

Larken Parr, a senior geography major, and Tyler Reynolds, a junior math major, waited in line for the zip line for more than an hour.

“It’s fun to come out and see other new and returning students having fun,” Reynolds said.

Students started their day at JumpStart 2 G.I.V.E., a mandatory service day for freshmen and new transfer students, and were rewarded with the events at Quakin’ in the Quad.

“It’s nice to do the service for others, and then go out and have fun for ourselves,” Parr said.

Lauren Adams, a sophomore history major, attended Quakin’ in the Quad to meet up with old friends.

“I’m here to meet up with my RA from last year,” Adams said. “I couldn’t come as a freshman because I was in band, so it’s cool to come and check out what I missed.”

Students could also meet with various clubs and organizations including Greek Life, Christian Campus House and the University Board while at Quakin’ in the Quad.

Samantha Middendorf can be reached at 581-2812 or semiddendorf@eiu.edu