Retro-soul group brings fresh sound to Eastern

The Theatre in the Doudna Fine Arts Center was transported to an era of soul, rhythm and blues Thursday evening when Ruby Velle and the Soulphonics took the stage.

Community members and students and faculty of Eastern gathered in the audience, snapping or clapping throughout with the encouragement of Ruby Velle, lead singer of the Soulphonics. All seasoned and talented musicians, Ruby Velle and the Soulphonics kicked off the Doudna’s New and Emerging Artists Series Program that is bringing performers from across the country to Eastern’s campus.

Performing two sets with a short intermission, the Soulphonics crooned original songs like “Heartlite” and “It’s About Time” and popular tunes like “ I Put a Spell on You,” by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins and “Can We Pretend,” by Bill Withers.

Velle’s soulful and raspy voice filled the auditorium and had the audience in an all-around positive mood, tapping their feet and bobbing their heads.

This band is no stranger to large venues, having played Blues-a-Palooza in Mammoth Lakes, Calif., and Governor’s Ball festival in New York, Velle said.

She also said audiences like Eastern’s were common, consisting of people who do not know anything about soul and are very young, to those who are experts and soul enthusiasts.

The Soulphonics sold merchandise including T-shirts, posters and CDs to 45’s and vinyl records. The band also had a meet-and-greet and signing after the show.

Influences for the band include soul legends and greats like Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding and James Brown, Velle said.

Velle also said she draws inspiration from modern musicians such as Hiatus Kaiyote.

A band of eight members that hails from Atlanta, Ga., traveled a long way from home to bring their style of groove and soul to Charleston.

Velle said she, the keyboardist and guitar player met in Gainsville, Fla., and when Velle moved to Atlanta for graduate school, they followed.

The rest of the five members came along from around the Atlanta music scene. The band has been together as a whole for more than two years and the three original members have known each other for eight years.

Ruby Velle and the Soulphonics have their music featured on iTunes, Spotify and Pandora radio available for the public.

The band will be in St. Louis Friday night at the Gramophone, and then it is back home to Atlanta where they will be playing a festival in Sept. called the One Music Fest with other artists such as Snoop Lion, Goodie Mob, Amel Larrieux and Quadron, Velle said.

Joanna Leighton can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].