HERC’s healthy habits for new school year

Upon returning to school, students can get caught up in class work and social activities and forget about staying healthy.

To help new students acclimate to Eastern in a healthy fashion, the Health Education Resource Center encourages many habits than can be beneficial.

Amanda Woolard, the assistant director for health education and promotion at the HERC, said the HERC aims to focus on a few specific areas this year.

The first of these is sleep.

“We encourage students to monitor their sleep habits,” she said. “Many times, individuals are not aware of the effect sleep has on daily routines.”

Woolard stressed that healthy sleep habits can help concentration in the classroom, faster reaction times, ability to learn new things and increase emotional and mental well-being.

Eating fruits and vegetables serves as the second area the HERC aims to help students with.

“Students rarely consume the correct amount of fruits and vegetables in their daily intake,” Woolard said. “The recommended amount is five-to-nine servings each day.”

While she said the “Freshman 15” is a myth, students should still be aware of their food intake.

“Ensure they are getting the correct portion sizes and eating the correct number of servings,” she said. “Avoid foods with high sugar content, sodium and fat.”

In each of the dining halls, students can look for “Healthy Choice” options.

Woolard also recommends that students get a flu shot, especially this time of year.

“The Health Service Clinic has them available free to all students,” she said. “Clinics will be available throughout the semester in various locations on campus for students to stop and get a flu shot.”

Those at the HERC also recommend engaging in healthy habits regarding alcohol consumption.

“In the occasion that alcohol is consumed, students are encouraged to pay attention to intake,” Woolard said. “Knowing a standard drink size is very important when drinking alcoholic beverages, and cup sizes can be deceiving.”

The last point Woolard said the HERC stresses is safer sex behaviors.

“Always be prepared; know the 18 steps of proper condom use by participating in a Rubber Lovers session, and communicate with your partner,” she said.

There are many resources on campus that can assist with each of these points, including the Counseling Center, HERC and Medical Clinic.

“The main threat that students are currently faced with is the transition in starting college for the first time or returning after the summer,” she said. “Students shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions and find a resource that best helps them.”

Robyn Dexter can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].