Eastern employees receive award

Two Eastern employees won an award for their service to the community earlier this month.

Greg Aydt, an academic adviser, and Rachel Fisher, the director of the Student Community Service Office, both received the “20 under 40” award.

The award is given to a community member within Coles County who is under the age of 40 each year, Aydt said

In order to be eligible for the award, the person must be nominated by someone and Aydt said he still is not sure who nominated him for the award.

“It was not something that I necessarily sought out,” Aydt said. “I was very appreciative of the award, even though it was something I did not expect.”

Aydt said he found out he won the award over spring break.

The committee who had selected him called his office during spring break, but he was on a trip with his wife at the time, he said.

Aydt said he had stopped at a McDonald’s on his way to Carbondale with his wife for breakfast and to check his email, and that was when he received the notification that he had won the award.

“I was actually out of the office the week they called, so I actually saw it in an email,” Aydt said. “We were both pretty much shocked.”

He attended a reception at the Charleston Country Club where him, alongside the other winners, were presented with plaques.

Aydt said he was not sure exactly why he was picked for the award, but said he believes it has something to do with the community service work he is involved in.

He is involved with the Newman Catholic Center at Eastern, as well as the local Knights of Columbus and the Society of St. Vincent DePaul.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a group that helps those in Charleston who are suffering financially.

The society helps determine needs of a family and the society helps to meet those needs by providing financial assistance.

“In addition to doing those kind of things, we also have a party every December for those of whom we help with kids,” Aydt said.

Aydt said he also dressed up as Saint Nicholas for the children who attended the party. The party provides activities for the children and allows time for the parents.

Fisher was not available for comment.

Kathryn Richter can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected]