Celebrity Smack Talk: Straight edge wrestler is straight up loser

There seems to be a bit of a Twitter war brewing between WWE superstar CM Punk and Chris Brown.

It all started when CM Punk tweeted that Chris Brown should fight somebody who could defend themselves, referencing Brown’s very publicized assault on then-girlfriend Rihanna.

Brown, of course, responded to CM Punk, saying that CM Punk was on steroids and that he was only doing this for publicity.

For whatever reason, CM Punk responded not with a tweet, but a video.

The video opens with CM Punk saying, “I never intended to include Chris Brown’s name in one of my tweets with the intention of starting any controversy.”

Alright. Timeout on the court here, boss. Let’s rewind that statement. You’re telling me that CM Punk openly tweeted about Chris Brown, mentioning his Twitter handle and all, without the intent to cause any controversy? If you told me that, I’d tell you that you’re an idiot, just like CM Punk.

Now, I am not in any defending what Chris Brown did to Rihanna, so don’t get it twisted that way. I think assaulting anyone, male or female, is a bad idea. What I do have a problem with is people like CM Punk trying to start drama for no reason.

If CM Punk really didn’t want to start controversy, he wouldn’t have said what he said (or tweeted what he tweeted). I know CM Punk isn’t the biggest celebrity, but people still know who he is. He is still a famous person, just as Chris Brown is famous. As CM Punk should know, as a famous person, everything he does is going to be news.

A lot of people are acting like Chris Brown started this feud, but in reality, he didn’t. He responded. Of course Chris Brown is going to respond. And after he responded, of course CM Punk got his panties all in a bunch and now feels that it’s his duty to “address the accusations”.

CM Punk is just that, a punk. He goes on and on about how terrible violence is, but ironically talks about how he wants to beat Chris Brown up.

The strange thing about this is, this all comes out right around the time Rihanna and Chris Brown collaborate on songs. So, if Rihanna doesn’t seem to be bothered by Brown’s existence, why does CM Punk? I’ll tell you why, because he’s another knuckle-dragging straight edge jerk on his self-appointed superior moral platform telling the whole world how cool he is that he doesn’t drink, smoke or do drugs. CM Punk doesn’t believe in harming the human body in anyway, yet has repeatably said he wants to “curb stomp” Chris Brown. Being straight edge is about living an incredibly positive lifestyle, but accompanied by an incredibly negative mentality. CM Punk hates people that get hammered and act like douche bags, but ironically, CM Punks finds a way to do it all sober.