Club to raise money at pumpkin patch

Sun Elite Athletic Club will host its first pumpkin patch fundraiser to raise money for its booster club from Oct. 4 to Oct. 31.

Event coordinator Carol Lawson said Sun Elite decided to host the fundraiser to support Sun Elite’s Tumbling, Gymnastics and Cheer Booster Club.

Lawson said through the money raised at the fundraiser, the gym will buy equipment for the athletic club. She said the money raised will also help pay for members’ competition fees for their frequent gymnastics, tumbling and cheer competitions that begin in October and last until April.

Lawson said the club first had the idea to host a pumpkin patch after browsing possible ideas in a fundraiser catalog.

She said the group thought it would be a fun activity that would bring something new to the Charleston area.

“We thought we’d give it a try,” she said. “There’s really nothing like it in the area. We wanted to offer it to the community.”

Lawson said while those looking for a pumpkin patch can visit Arthur or Terra Haute, not many other options are available.

Those attending the pumpkin patch will not have to pay an admission fee to enter the pumpkin patch, Lawson said.

Items being sold at the pumpkin patch will include pumpkins, gourds, mums, hair feathers and snacks and drinks.

Lawson said the Sun Elite Athletic Club’s gym will be hosting open house visits during the pumpkin patch hours for those interested in becoming involved with the club.

Sun Elite Athletic Club offers classes for participants ranging from as young as 18 months to college-level students.

Family Fun Day, complete with pony rides and a tractor pull for children, will be held at the pumpkin patch from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Oct. 15.

Lawson said the event will be run by volunteers from the gym as well as parents and community members.

Lawson said the club is seeking volunteers to help with the event, especially student-run groups at Eastern, such as fraternities, sororities and resident-student organizations.

The pumpkin patch will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays and Sundays 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the west side of Sun Elite Athletic Club’s parking lot located at 220 Granite Drive.

Those interested in volunteering for the event or learning more about Sun Elite Athletic Club can call (217) 345-1100.

Sara Hall can be reached

at 581-2812 or