Class to teach 2D, 3D

An art class for young children is part of a series of art classes that will be conducted in the Tarble Arts Center this summer.

The class is called Art Investigations, which will be taught Tuesdays and Thursdays, June 7 – 23 from 10 to 11 a.m.

The class will be for children ages 4 to 6.

“Students will learn how to properly use materials like scissors, paint, paintbrushes, and they will learn how to think not only in two dimensions, but three dimensions,” said Alyssa Gordon, the instructor for the Art Investigations class.

Gordon, an art major with teacher certification, said the students will start drawing with different types of media. The students will also do various 2-D and 3-D projects such as abstract drawings and 3-D fish.

Gordon said one of the goals she has for the course is for her students to gain confidence in their own abilities and desire to create more artwork of their own.

“Every project the students create during the Summer Art Investigations they will be able to take home, hopefully to be revered by their friends and family,” Gordon said.

Gordon said she was introduced to the instructing position through one of her art courses.

“I was in an Elementary Methods class during the spring semester that required us to conduct a tour for elementary students of an art exhibition at the Tarble Arts Center and instruct the students in a studio project,” Gordon said.

Gordon said Kit Morice, curator of education, observed and critiqued the Elementary Methods class and approached Gordon near the end of the semester to see if she would be interested in teaching Art Investigations.

Gordon said she has had experience teaching studio projects to children of different ages.

“However, this is only my second experience with 4- through 6-year-olds, so it will be an exciting experience,” she said.

Gordon said teaching art to younger children is important for a number of reasons.

“Children can experiment and grow in their creativity, which will encourage them to continue with art at an older age. Art also helps physically with things like motor skills; as well as mentally, with problem solving,” Gordon said.

Other classes that will be taught include Introduction to Fine Metals, Hand-Building With Clay, Next Generation of Artists, and Stop Motion Film Workshop.

Alesha Bailey can be reached at 581-7942 or [email protected].