New RSO aims to counsel and inform women on campus

Advocating the Rights and Relief of Women was approved as the newest registered student organization by the Student Senate.

Danika Dale, the president and founder of A.R.R.O.W., said she wants this organization to provide information to women on campus, as well as help with relationship and self-image issues.

Dale started the process of creating A.R.R.O.W. during the fall semester.

“I thought about what issues were important to me, so I went with what I thought was important,” the freshman English major said.

Dale said she had joined a few other organizations, but did not find them fulfilling.

“We want to bring issues to light so people know it is going on, and then stop these issues from occurring on campus,” Dale said.

A.R.R.O.W. currently has 15 members and is in the process of planning campus activities to inform women on campus about what types of things to look for if they are involved in an unhealthy relationship.

Dale said she and some of her friends have been in unhealthy relationships and found themselves having nowhere to turn or no one to talk to.

Many women do not know when they are in an unhealthy relationship or who they can talk to about their relationship issues, Dale said.

“If you are in a healthy relationship, he won’t manipulate or try to control you,” she said. “He will point out good things in you, not always the bad.”

Becca Braundmeier, the vice president of A.R.R.O.W., said she originally joined A.R.R.O.W to help Dale and to get involved on campus, but joining the group has caused her to examine herself as well.

Braundmeier, a freshman history major, said she cannot relate to some issues, but has been in an unhealthy relationship and has self-confidence issues.

A.R.R.O.W. is still in process of gaining new members and getting its name out.

Braundmeier said she hopes in some time the RSO can provide group sessions so women can talk about relationships, physical and emotional abuse, self-confidence and safe sex.

If anyone would like to join A.R.R.O.W., they may join its Facebook group or e-mail Dale at

Zinika Livingston can be reached at 581-2812 or