Precautions to avoid flu

As the final days of the semester approach, many students are becoming overworked and overwhelmed due to the stress of finals. This stress is contributing to a weakened immune system, causing many students to become sick with the flu.

The Health Education Resource Center’s website states that influenza, or the flu, is often confused with the cold, but there are key differences between the two sicknesses.

Maria Darrientos, the administrative nurse for the Eastern Health Service, said the flu has recognizable systems.

“The symptoms for the flu are a fever, chills, cough, congestion, severe body aches,” she said.

Ryan Messinger, the assistant director of Health Service said that sneezing, runny nose, general fatigue are also recognizable symptoms.

Unfortunately, the flu is also most prevalent during this time of year.

“(The flu) is most active between November and April,” Messinger said.

Darrientos said there are many factors that cause students to catch the flu more easily during this time of the year.

“A poor diet, being exposed to groups, being closed up no air circulation (all contribute) to a weakened immune system,” she said.

Darrientos said sleep deprivation and anxiety can also deplete students’ defenses.

“Not getting enough rest and stress can decrease the immune system,” she said. “Students (are then) more prone to catch a cold or the flu.”

Darrientos provided many suggestions for students to avoid catching the flu.

“Students should get plenty of rest,” she said.

Sleep is crucial for recovering from the flu. Proper rest allows the body’s immune system to work towards eliminating the sickness. Also, drinking at least eight glasses of water is important.

Messinger said that sanitation is also crucial for staying healthy.

“The best way to prevent the flu is by washing your hands, and using hand sanitizer,” he said.

The HERC’s website suggests washing your hands for 30 seconds.

Both Darrientos and Messinger said the flu shot is the best way to prevent the flu.

Darrientos especially advocated the shot.

“We encourage everyone to come in to get the shot,” she said. “We welcome walk-ins, too.”

Flu shots are available through the Eastern Health Service. Those interested in receiving the shot can call 581-2727 for more information.

Sara Hall can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].