Free flu shots available today

As flu season approaches, many students want to take active measures to avoid sickness.

Luckily, Eastern will be offering students flu vaccinations free of charge.

Since Oct. 6, the Health Education Resource Center has hosted flu shot clinics at both Carman and Thomas Hall.

There was also a special clinic for the ROTC members Thursday.

Although the first clinic at Carman Hall had a lower turnout than previous years, the clinic at Thomas Hall had greater numbers.

“The Carman clinic normally has quite a few students, but we only had around 60 (this time),” said Maria Barrientos, the head nurse at Health Services. “Thomas went really well; we gave over 120 (shots).”

Ryan Messinger, assistant director of Health Services, stressed the benefits of getting the shot.

If you get the flu vaccine, your body will build up antibodies, Messinger said.

Barrientos said getting the shot helps students stay healthy. She added that the shot could be especially helpful for some students.

“Everybody should get the shot, but especially those with chronic illness or asthma would benefit (from it),” Barrientos said.

Messenger said students should strive to get a flu shot every year around this time.

“At the beginning of October, flu season kicks into high gear,” he said.

This year’s flu shot covers three flu strains. The shot will protect against the seasonal flu, H1N1 and another strain that is expected to be active this year.

Barrientos said so far students have not had any problems or adverse reactions from the shot, but there are reasons why someone may not want to get it. If a student is allergic to eggs, he or she should not get the shot.

Messinger also said students who are sick at the time should wait to get the vaccine.

“If a student is sick or running a fever, (he or she) should wait,” he said. “The shot will hit the immune system, and the student will feel worse and possibly get more sick.”

For those who are able to get the shot, Barrientos suggests students should get it now instead of receiving it at their doctor’s office.

“Students don’t want to be sitting in a room full of coughing people to get a flu shot,” she said. “We encourage everyone to get it here.”

Messinger said there are some additional benefits of receiving the shot at Eastern.

“It’s completely free, and it’s quick,” he said. “It only takes a minute.”

Students wishing to get a shot can attend the clinic today in Lawson from 4 to 6 p.m. There will also be a clinic October 27 at the Student Recreation Center.

Both Messinger and Barrientos said those who are unable to attend one of the clinics can schedule an appointment through the HERC at any time.

Sara Hall can be reached at 581-7943 or [email protected] .