Plans progressing as RHA’s ROC Fest events come closer

Once again Residence Hall Association members further discussed plans for Residents on Campus Fest.

Members of the RHA crammed into the classroom of Carman Hall for their second meeting of the semester Thursday night.

ROC Fest is a series of competitions starting Sept. 27 between all of the residence halls.

Dondre Keeler, RHA vice president, and Nicci Vergara, RHA community development chair, explained to the members what is planned for Rocfest week.

There are several different competitions planned for the week including window decorating, a scavenger hunt, and an obstacle course.

” (The obstacle course) is one of the biggest events,” Keeler said.

Jake Nees, RHA president and junior sociology major, said he is most excited about ROC Fest right now, “because last year I lived in Weller and we won,” Ness said.

Nees also said he was excited just to see how many people came out and supported their residence hall.

The winner of ROC Fest is awarded a trophy, which can be displayed in the residence hall all year.

Mark Hudson, director of university housing and dining and RHA advisor, ended the discussion by making sure everyone knew the importance of sportsmanship.

“This is a friendly competition,” Hudson said.

RHA member and NRHH president Shannon Davis spoke about Breast Cancer Awareness week.

The campus-wide fundraiser starts Monday Sept. 27 and ends Oct.1.

To raise money, Davis told members how T-shirts will be for sale everyday of that week. T-shirts will be $8 and students will also receive a bracelet with the purchase of a T-shirt.

“Last year we sold 1,153 T-shirts,” Davis said.

She hopes that more T-shirts would be sold this year.

During the meeting a representative from each residence hall took turns giving brief updates of their respective hall.

Each representative told the other members about their upcoming events, programs and topics that their individual executive boards have discussed.

One topic each representative discussed was the success of programs and events that have occurred this semester.

“Attendance is good, but there is always room for more,” Ian Thurow, president of Stevenson Hall, said in his report.

To wrap up the meeting, Hudson and Jody Stone, RHA adviser and assistant director of housing, shared information with members.

Hudson updated the group about the progress of the wireless Internet plan in Lincoln, Stevenson, and Douglas halls.

Stone quickly reminded everyone that homecoming is coming up and encouraged everyone to be as involved as possible.

RHA will be meeting at 5 p.m. next Thursday in Andrews Hall.

Olivia Angeloff can be reached at 581-7942 or