Farmer of the Year: “Award for your lifetime”

There are more than 600 farmers in Coles County, and all of them are applicable for the Farmer of the Year Award-they just need to be nominated first.

Nominations are due June 11 at 4 p.m., and can be picked up and turned in to the Charleston Chamber of Commerce or the Coles County Farm Bureau. The Farm Bureau has only received two to three applications so far.

Once all the applications are turned in, the Farm Bureau’s Board of Directors will choose who will be the next Farmer of the Year.

Paul Hurst, the Farmer of the Year for 2009, said he was very surprised last year when he was presented with the award.

“I was nervous, I’m kind of a shy person,” he said. “It’s nice of Charleston to recognize the farming community every year with this award.”

Hurst said the occasion meant a lot to him, not only because he won the award, but also because his four children, 10 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren were there to see him.

Mary Cox, manager at the Coles County Farm Bureau, said many qualities are looked for when choosing the Farmer of the Year.

A few qualities include the farmer’s willingness to help other farmers, if the farmer has contributed to Coles County agriculture, if the farmer has participated in community activities, and if the farmer is a good role model.

“It’s just kind of (an) award for your lifetime,” Hurst said. “It doesn’t make me any better (of a) farmer than anyone else, it’s just nice that I was selected (last year).”

Hurst said he hasn’t nominated anyone.

The Farmer of the Year Award for 2010 will be granted during the Red, White and Blue Fair on July 4.

“Their name is announced, and they go up onto the stage in front of everybody, and actually are presented with the award,” Cox said.

Sam Sottosanto can be reached at 581-7942 or at [email protected].