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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Fall semester registration fast approaching

The time has come, the adviser said, to talk about registration.

With midterms beginning and registration for the fall semester fast approaching, the talk around campus has turned to scheduling and the best courses to take.

The students of Eastern have a wide variety of different class options, but with a large population of students majoring in education, those classes will be some of the first to go.

“It is definitely education because that is what the school is known for and is really good at developing teachers,” said Sara Duncan, a freshman family and consumer sciences major.

The Office of Planning and Institutional Studies, located in Old Main, has information regarding majors and classes taken by Eastern students as far back as 1992 on its Web site.

English is one of the top majors at Eastern, and was in 2009 and 2008 as well.

Nathan Rearden, a sophomore English major, offered some personal insight as to why English was a popular major.

“The reason why I like taking it is because I like to read, and so do many others that take [it]. It is also a big major because it goes along with teaching and English majors often end up teaching for a career,” Rearden said.

Monica Zeigler, assistant director at the Academic Advising Center, does not have a specific reason, but has an insight to why some majors are more popular than others.

“It is more of what students are interested in rather than what classes are popular and why,” Zeigler said. “A student may have a feel for a certain class in high school and then may want to pursue that class more when they are in college.”

Steven Puschmann can be reached at 581-7942 or

Fall semester registration fast approaching

Fall semester registration fast approaching

(Photo illustration by Caleb Branson/The Daily Eastern News)


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