Supreme Court Applicants: Profile on Molly Button

Molly Button is a freshman history major who intends to pursue a teaching certification in the subject.

As a newcomer to the political scene on campus, Button said the possibility of serving on the student supreme court initially sparked her interest because she saw it as an opportunity to immerse herself in student life.

“I have a great interest in history and political science and I am not afraid to express my thoughts and beliefs,” Button said.

If appointed to the student supreme court, Button plans to utilize a combination of both broad and loose interpretation of the student body constitution to determine her judgment on cases.

“I really think it’s a combination of both, you have to make sure that you are open enough to interpretation of the Constitution, but at the same time, not allow yourself to use too much imagination,” Button said.

She feels that the most important job of a student supreme court justice is interpreting the student body constitution, especially when making laws and public policies.

“These laws will effect all of Eastern’s students and need to be made carefully,” Button said. “I can do this by listening to the student body and having a great understanding of the constitution.”

Erica Whelan can be reached at 581-7942 or [email protected].

To see the main story, click here.

To read about student supreme court applicant Jose Alarcon, click here.

To read about student supreme court applicant Hakeem Smith, click here.