The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Diva Drag Show brings entertainment to crowd of more than 500

Diva Drag Show brings entertainment to crowd of more than 500

Amaya Mann performs to a medley of songs at the Diva Drag Show organized by EIU Pride on Monday night inthe Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. The show provided music and dancing as well as humor from the host, Ceduxion Carrington. (Karolina Strack

Diva Drag Show brings entertainment to crowd of more than 500

Correction added


Diva Drag Show brings entertainment to crowd of more than 500

Diva Drag Show brings entertainment to crowd of more than 500

Ceduxion Carrington makes fun of an audience member during her dancing performance during the Diva Drag Show on Monday in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. The show was put on by EIU Pride and hosted by Carrington. (Karoli


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  • Runners participate in the Toddler Trot on the OBrien Stadium football field 50-yard line during the Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center Races for all Paces event Saturday morning.


    Running for a cause: Sarah Bush Lincoln ready for annual races

  • Cicadas shells collect on mature tree just west of Eastern Illinois University campus, 
 May 8 2011 Charleston, Ill.

    2024 Cicada Emergence

    Cicadas swarm state track meet

  • Samira Dadson sews a zipper onto denim in preparation for the denim day fashion shoot in the Doudna Fine Arts Center Fashion Lab, Charleston Ill., April 18, 2024. Dadson has been sewing for the past 10 years.

    Entertainment & Culture

    Fighting inequality with fashion

  • From left, Theo Edwards, Ronnie Kosciuk and Emery Johnson walk with a crowd in the slut walk near Lawson Hall Thursday.

    Entertainment & Culture

    Slut walk combats sexual assault, harassment at EIU

  • Left, Eastern Illinois University President Jay Gatrell holds petition for all-gender restrooms, hand delivered by graduate student Theo Edwards while petition signers stand in support in the Martin Luther King Jr., University Union.


    Students hand deliver petition for all-gender restrooms to Gatrell

  • The Kat Walk models walk in the Denim Day Fashion show in the Doudna Fine Arts Center Wednesday, April 24.

    Entertainment & Culture

    Denim Day fashion show brings awareness to sexual assault

  • Three different graduation ceremonies were held for the different colleges Saturday afternoon, May 7, 2022, in Lantz Arena; Lumpkin College of Business and Technology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the College of Education all held ceremonies for the students in the respective colleges.


    Seniors prepare for graduation

  • Grace McClellan, a senior majoring in art education, was named Artist of the Year for the Blueroom arts magazine during a ceremony at Doudna Fine Arts Center April 1.

    Entertainment & Culture

    Art revolves around McClellan

  • Emerson Gausmann (right) and Kaumi Stuart (left) perform as the party crashes in a short play titled The Party during the New Works Symposium on Friday night April 19,2024.

    Entertainment & Culture

    New productions displayed at symposium

  • Vice Chairperson for Easterns board of trustees Christopher Hicks, speaks during the board of trustees meeting Friday afternoon in the Grand Ballroom.


    Board of trustees removes out-of-state tuition for US residents

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