The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Spirit soars at ‘Yell Like Hell’ competition

Alpha Gamma Delta, Sigma Pi, the Black Student Union and Mike Leon walked away winners at the “Yell Like Hell” and “Who Wants to be a Mascot” competitions Thursday night in the McAfee Gymnasium as part of Homecoming Week events.

Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma Pi performed as a group, representing Greek Life, and the BSU represented the RSOs.

All these individuals incorporated school spirit, crowd involvement and originality in their various routines.

The Alpha Gamma Deltas were in tears when they heard their sorority won for the second year in a row by performing to music from the Beatles.

Kelly Salamone, a senior communication studies major said it felt good to be on top once again.

“We wanted to win so bad, and we practiced so hard,” she said. “It felt so good.”

The “Yell Like Hell” occasion allowed groups such as Greek Life, residence halls and student organizations to display school spirit through dance routines, chants, tumbling, stunts, and cheers to music linked with the theme of Homecoming: “Rock n’ Roll, Pop n’ Soul.”

Antoine Thomas, Eastern’s cheer team coach judged the performances for the event.

Thomas said he looks for spirit and crowd involvement for the routines.

“It’s Homecoming weekend,” he said. “I look for Eastern Illinois University spirit.”

Lisa Dallas, the coach for the EIU Pink Panthers said she looked for spirit also while she judged.

“I want to see the spirit come through originality and creativity,” she said. “Also lots of energy.”

Several groups performed to various artists such as Aerosmith, Metallica, Michael Jackson, the Beatles, the Beastie Boys and more.

This year, the BSU decided to perform to the Michael Jackson hit, “Thriller.”

During the performance, Ian Williams wore a shirt that read “SEMO” for Southeast Missouri, Eastern’s opponent for the football game, and had put on a mask that looked like Michael Jackson.

Williams, a sophomore political science major said the T-shirt and mask was all incorporated into the performance for fun.

“All of these things were group decisions,” he said. “If (we’re going) do it, we are going to go all the way.”

DeMarlon Brown, a junior political science major, said this is the second time BSU has taken first place for “Yell Like Hell.”

“We had talent, energy, we brought crowd participation which all equals to a victory,” said the president for the BSU. “I want to thank all BSU members for giving their time.”

For “Who Wants to be a Mascot” individuals had to create a mascot of their choice that also exhibited creativity and school spirit.

From cross-dressing mascots to some stripping down to their underwear, all brought diverse performances.

Mike Leon, a junior journalism major and a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, also came back for another year, winning for the second time in a row.

During his performance, Leon took off his shirt, took off his pants and displayed “EIU” on the back of his underwear to the crowd.

Leon said performing in front of his peers is like no other feeling.

“I wouldn’t trade it for nothing,” he said. “This is a great opportunity to get the crowd loose.”

Leon said he enjoyed himself while performing in front of others.

“I had fun displaying confidence,” he said.

John Ippolito, a junior geography major, said he has been to “Yell Like Hell” before, and this was one of the better ones.

“I had a blast,” he said. “It’s like being at a big football school like Michigan.”

Ceci Brinker, director of student life said this event is great to bring the campus together.

“For those who missed it, they missed a memorable and entertaining event that shows school spirit and pride,” she said. “It’s only going to get bigger and better every year.”

Jessica Leggin can be reached at 581-7942 or at [email protected].

Spirit soars at ‘Yell Like Hell’ competition

Spirit soars at Yell Like Hell competition

A member of Alpha Phi performs a cheer routine during “Yell Like Hell” on Thursday night in McAfee Gymnasium. The Alpha Phis performed together with the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon and took third place. (Karolina Strack / The Daily Eastern News)


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