Proposed bylaw change pulled

A proposed bylaw change that would have allowed the Student Senate speaker to cancel Student Senate meetings has been pulled.

The proposed change would have allowed meetings to be canceled because of inclement weather or if the university canceled classes.

“No matter how much we refine it, the (Student Body) Constitution can still trump it,” said Student Senate Speaker Jeff Lange.

The proposal was supposed to be addressed at the Student Government meeting at 7 tonight in the Arcola-Tuscola Room.

The constitution states: “Regular meetings of the senate shall be held at least once per week during the fall and spring semesters, at the discretion of the Speaker of the Senate.”

A constitutional amendment could be possible in the future, Lange said.

The student body would have to approve an amendment to the Student Body Constitution by a two-thirds vote, if an amendment is proposed.

Another bylaw change will be voted on tonight that will only require the External Relations committee to meet as a whole once a month.

The committee, which has multiple members from the city, will correspond through written reports every other week.

The bylaw change proposal would formalize a process that has been common for the last four semesters.

A resolution that would request departments to post their average class size on their Web sites will be introduced.

According to Lange, it could convince prospective students to attend Eastern if they will get more one-on-one time.

In other business, delegates who attended the Conference on Student Government Associations will present what took place at the Texas A & M University conference.

Student Senate meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday’s in the Arcola-Tuscola Room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.