Senate green lights Rec proposals

Eastern will now have its own disc golf course on campus.

Student Senate approved an allocation for the nine-hole disc golf course at Wednesday night’s meeting.

The $15,769 course was approved by a 17-7-5 vote.

There were some members of the senate that did not think that many students would use the course.

Senate member Katherine Wlodarski said that while students thought it was a good idea, no one said they would use the course.

A lot of people have no idea what disc golf is, said senate member William Dougherty.

“That’s $15,000 that could be spent more wisely,” he added.

The majority of the comments though were in favor of the course.

Senate member Isaac Sandidge said that he heard more positives than negatives about the course.

There is nothing on campus that all students will use, he added.

Though originally against the course, senate member Jeff White said the more students he talked to, the more positive feedback he received.

The course would start at the campus pond pavilion and follow parts of the old campus golf course.

At Tuesday night’s Committee on Legislative Leadership, Ken Baker, director of campus recreation, said that the course would be installed when the weather breaks.

Student Senate also approved the allocation for a 10-machine Life Fitness Circuit Series set by a 28-1-0 vote.

Even though senate member Tyson Holder has never been to the Student Rec Center, he supported the proposal.

“This would bring a new group of people to the Rec,” he said.

The Circuit Series set uses hydraulics for resistance and allows people to get a full body workout in 30 minutes.

According to Levi Bulgar, vice president for business affairs, the machines would benefit beginning weight lifters and smaller body sizes.

An allocation was also approved for two additional elliptical machines with monitors.

The $10,940 allocation was unanimously approved.

At 12 p.m. Wednesday, senate member Tiffany Turner said there was a line for the elliptical machines, even thought the Rec wasn’t busy.

“It’s obvious what the students want if they wait in line for that long,” she said.

Senate Speaker Jeff Lange was pleased with the way new members handled the three Rec allocations.

“I am in awe right now at how well it was handled,” Lange said. “We had new senators that were talking during the meeting, telling how they went out and talked to people.”

Members voted on how they truly felt, he said.

“This demonstrates how the new senators are willing to get involved,” Lange said.