Room and board rate to increase

Fact Box

On-campus Room and Board rate increases

2004 7.00%

2005 7.77%

2006 7.50%

2007 6.95% projected

-courtesy of Mark Hudson, director of housing and dining

On-campus housing costs have increased an average 7.42 percent per year for the last three years.

This trend will continue, according to Mark Hudson, the director of housing and dining.

Housing costs next year are estimated to increase a projected 6.95 percent, he said.

With the projected increase, an on-campus student with a 12-meal plan could pay an additional $445 for housing.

The increase proposal comes from the Bond Revenue Committee, which is comprised of six students.

Three are Student Senate members appointed by Student Body President Sean Anderson. The additional three are appointed by Carrie Mueller, Residence Hall Association president.

The committee goes through the entire Housing and Dining budget looking at expenditures and revenues, Hudson said.

Recommendations are made accordingly to needs, such as inflation.

Food is expected to rise 4 percent and employee wages will also rise next year, Hudson said.

Besides everyday expenses, 3.5 percent of the budget goes towards capital development projects. Capitol development projects include large renovation projects and safety additions.

Recent updating to a portion of the residence halls comes from that part of the budget, Hudson said.

The committee looks into the projects and suggests what should be done first.

“We look at all projects and make sure students want them,” said committee member Jeff Melanson. “We can’t have them all at once.”

One of the projects being considered is adding more lighting to Greek Court, Melanson said.

“It’s a great process,” said committee member Kenney Kozik.

Six students determine the increase, and it goes straight to the students, Kozik said.

The increase proposal will be presented at this weeks Student Senate and RHA meeting. Hudson will be answering questions and concerns from the members.

The Board of Trustees makes the final decision on the increase. The board will make that decision at its Jan. 19 meeting.

On the Web

For an Oct. 2006 in-depth story on the renovations of the residence halls click here