Senate votes on transportation

The Student Senate will vote today on transportation to Saturday’s football game at the University of Tennessee-Martin.

If passed, five buses will be rented to bus students, at no cost to them, to the game.

Athletics will pay for the students’ tickets, according Student Body President Sean Anderson at the Oct. 19 Apportionment Board meeting.

There will be two separate proposals voted on. The first will transfer the money from the Apportionment Board Reserve Account to Student Government. The second proposal will allow the funds to be spent on the bus rentals.

The proposal received unanimous support at the AB meeting.

Also on the agenda at the Student Senate meeting is Dave Keys, student vice president of academic affairs. Keys will present a presentation on Web-CT.

“In the WEB-CT presentation I’m going to talk about the benefits of WEB-CT for the faculty, for the students, reasons why we want WEB-CT and there’s also some information about WEB-CT usage at other schools,” Keys said.

Keys’ presentation will also include ways to implement WEB-CT usage and training opportunities.

Accompanying the presentation will be a resolution on encouraging WEB-CT usage, by getting the faculty to post grades and syllabi on it.

A proposed money allocation being introduced to the Student Senate will be for $2,000 to help pay for the costs for the Illinois Student Government Association Conference that will take place in January at Eastern. The money would cover costs not covered by the registration fee.

According to sponsors Jillian Ruddy and Kenney Kozik, the conference would bring Illinois public universities together to foster new ideas, increase student lobbying and showcase the Student action Team.

Student Senate meets at 7 p.m. every Wednesday in the Arcola-Tuscola room in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.